CTA Therapist Locations & Resources
Our therapists practice out of their own offices and/or townhouses. Our team offices are located across NYC neighborhoods including:
Midtown (Primary NYC location Dr Allison Kahner sees clients here)
Upper West Side (UWS)
Upper East Side (UES)
Times Square / Hell’s Kitchen / Clinton
Chelsea / Madison Square Garden / Penn Station
Tribeca / Soho
Greenwich Village / Noho
Alphabet City
Manhattan Burroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, Riverdale
Having a local therapist is convenient, however, we don’t use geography alone in recommending the right therapist for you. The Executive Director of CTA, Dr. Allison Kahner will discuss your concerns, preferences for gender and use those to make her recommendation across the CTA network or in some cases she will recommend you work with her directly.
Outside the New York area, consider the following professionals:
- Austin TX: Stacy Nakell
- San Jose / Los Gatos CA: Alison Silvius
- San Rafael CA Marcia Naomi Berger